Would you like to share your feedback with us?  Complete our family feedback form.



We want greater transparency so that all parents and carers understand what services are available to them and how they can gain access.


Discover how we work, why we do it, the change we make and why we need you


It means that we have no bias to any service or department, we can speak freely about what is working and what is failing in our SEND community. We can act as a critical friend without prejudice to the local authority and various boards and services, as and when they make decisions. We can raise concerns and divert attention to how these decisions will directly impact our families, we can steer change realistically with high expectations and equality for all. We are included in the vote to agree or disagree with how services are to be created and amended. Our job is to be specific and realistic with the various departments we encounter. Our independence means that we can explain to our community what decisions have been made and why.



By Irvana Davies 14 Sep, 2024
'My Care Bridge', an online portal for new referrals for children and young people's autism and ADHD services in mid and South Essex, is now live.
By Irvana Davies 06 Sep, 2024
A new post, “Removal of Ofsted single word judgements: what it means for schools and parents” has just been published on the The Education Hub blog.
By Irvana Davies 11 Aug, 2024
SSIF Spring/Summer Term Feedback Report
By Irvana Davies 09 Feb, 2024
National Network of Parent Carers (NNPCF) issue their Annual Report for 2022/23.


By Irvana Davies 16 Sep, 2024
Southend SEND Independent Forum (SSIF) invite Parent Carers of Children with SEND to our first of six Seminars during this academic year on Friday 11th October. ‘Health Assessment Pathways’ is the first in a series of valuable and informative events for ParentCarers that will run throughout the year. This seminar is aimed at ParentCarers of children with SEND who may need information and support regarding accessing Health Services. The Seminar will cover questions such as: How do I access the Lighthouse Centre? Do I need to involve my GP? What happens in my appointment? What role does the school play? Who are CAMHS and can I access them? Plus, any additional questions you may have* We have a panel of professionals from the Lighthouse Centre, a Designated Clinical Officer, a representative from the Local Authority, among other special guests. They will talk about how they can support you and your child through the processes and meetings. *We are inviting ParentCarers to submit any questions they have for the panel by Monday 30 th September 2024, via email to jody@southendsendindependentforum.org.uk. There will also be an opportunity for people to participate in a co-production session to develop a useful route map/flow chart of the Health Assessment Pathways.  Book your ticket here.
By Irvana Davies 03 Jun, 2024
Southend SEND Independent Forum (SSIF) invite Parent Carers of Children with SEND to their third Seminar this year on Wednesday 26th June. ‘Education and Health Care Needs Assessment (EHCNA)’ is the third in a series of valuable and informative events for Parent Carers that will run throughout the year. This seminar is aimed at Parent Carers of children with SEND who may need information and support regarding the EHCNA process. The Seminar will cover questions such as: Who can request an Assessment? And how? Who decides if an Assessment is needed? And how? How are Assessments undertaken? After the decision is made? SEN Support and the Graduated Response. Plus, any additional questions you may have* We have a panel of professionals from the EHCP Team, SENDIASS, and more to be confirmed nearer the date! They will talk about how they can support you and your child through the processes and meetings. *We are inviting Parent Carers to submit any questions they have for the panel by Monday 17th June 2024, via email. There will also be an opportunity for people to participate in a co-production session to develop a useful route map/flow chart of the EHCNA process. Book your ticket here
SSIF invite PC's (Parent Carers) of Children with SEND to their second Seminar this year.
By Irvana Davies 15 Apr, 2024
SSIF invite PC's (Parent Carers) of Children with SEND to their second Seminar this year.
By Irvana Davies 04 Mar, 2024
Do you have questions or concerns around SEND? Join us at SAVS, Alexandra Street for our friendly monthly coffee morning where we will be able to help.
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